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Photo © David Douglas Duncan, used by permission |
Further ReadingArcher, Jeff "The Link to Higher Scores", Educations Week's "Technology Counts " September, 1998. An Educational Testing Service study of correlation between ed tech use and raised or lowered performance as measured by the 4th and 8th grade NAEP math results. "About the Researcher", Educations Week's "Technology Counts" September, 1998
Baines, Lawrence, "Future Schlock...Using Fabricated Data and Politically Correct Platitudes in the Name of Educational Reform," Phi Delta Kappan Magazine, March 1997, page 493 Banks, Sandy and Renwick, Lucille, "Technology Remains Promise, not Panacea Education: Schools have invested heavily, but with little academic results. More teacher training is urged," Los Angeles Times, Sunday, June 8, 1997 Bloom, Gary, S. "Caveat Emptor Buyer Beware (Technohype)," Thrust for Educational Leadership (magazine of the Association of California School Administrators), April 1996 Cowan, W. M., "The Development of the Brain." Scientific American, 241, 1979, pp. 112-133. Cuban, Larry, "High Tech Schools and Low-Tech Teaching," - Education Week on the Web, 5/21/97. Cuban, Larry, Teachers and Machines: The Classroom Use of Technology Since 1920. New York: Teachers College Press, 1986.
Fischer, Kurt and Louise Silvern, "Stages and Individual Differences in Cognitive Development." Mark R. Rosenzweig and Lyman W. Porter, eds., Annual Review of Psychology, Vol. 36. Palo Alto, California: Annual Reviews Inc., 1985. Fitzgerald, Sara "Technology's Real Costs", National School Boards Association's Electronic School Friedberg, Karen L., ed., Human Development 95/96. Guilford, Connecticut: The Duskin Publishing Group, 1995. Goleman, Daniel, Emotional Intelligence. New York: Bantam Books, 1995. Hays, Laurie, "PCs May Be Teaching Kids the Wrong Lessons," Wall Street Journal, Monday, April 24, 1995, pp. B1, B6.
Healy, Jane M., "The 'Meme' That Ate Childhood", Education Week, Oct. 7, 1998 Healy, Jane M. Failure to Connect- How computers affect our children's minds- for better or Worse, 1999 Touchstone Books, New York City Helm, Leslie, "High Tech Sales Goals Fuel Reach Into Schools Business: Firms increasingly push computers as educational reform. Critics fear another failed effort," Los Angeles Times, Monday, June 9, 1997 Hirsh-Pasek, K., M.C. Hyson, and L. Rescorla, Academic Environments in Early Childhood: Challenge or Pressure? Chicago, Illinois: The Spencer Foundation, 1989. Kerr, Stephen T., ed. Technology and the Future of Schooling (95th Yearbook of the Society for the Study of Education, Part II) University of Chicago Press, 1996 Koblitz, Neal, "The Case Against Computers in K-13 Math Education (Kindergarten Through Calculus)," The Mathematical Intelligencer, Vol. 18, No. 1 (1996), pp. 9-16. LOS ANGELES TIMES EDITORIAL, Computers Won't Fix Schools, Sunday, December 28, 1997 McKinsey & Co., "Connecting K-12 Schools to the Information Superhighway" prepared by McKinsey & Co. for the National Information Infrastructure Advisory Council (NIIAC). This report established that the ongoing costs (each year) of K-12 education technology are at least one-third of the initial cost. Mendels, Pamela, Once a Champion of Classroom Computers, Psychologist Now Sees Failure New York Times "CyberTimes" web site, Sept. 16, 1998 (NOTE: This URL takes you too the index of education stories on the site. You make have to register, it's a free and simple process, with the NY Times to access this article) Moewe, Michael, "Computers Can't Replace Good Teaching," The Monterey County Herald, Our Voice, Monterey County Teens Norris, Michele, "Money Well Spent? Classroom Computers Bring Modest Return on Massive Investment,"ABC-TV News World News Tonight, September 29, 1999
Ravitch, Diane, "The Great Technology Mania", Forbes Magazine (In the Classroom column) 3/23/98 Rukeyser, William L."Broken Promises: Decisions about computer based instruction must be based on data and analysis, not faith, fear and hype," Thrust for Educational Leadership, magazine of the Association of California School Administrators, February/March, 1998 Rukeyser, William L.Technology in Our SchoolsOur Children, the National PTA magazine, June/July 1998 Sava, Dr. Samuel, (Executive Director, National Association of Elementary School Principals), "Maybe Computers Aren't Schools' Salvation", New York Times, September 6, 1997 Sava, Dr. Samuel, "Electronic Emperor", Principal magazine, November, 1997 Sava, Dr. Samuel, "ELECTRONIC GENIE: Will Computers Serve Schools or Run Them?", remarks to National Association of Elementary School Principals State Leaders Conference, July 25, 1997 Schmitt, Christopher H. and Larry Slonaker, "Computers in Schools: Do Students Improve? (Part 1 and 2)" San Jose Mercury News, January 14-15, 1996, pp. 1A, 8A. Seltz, Johanna, "Some Educators Question Value of Computers," The Boston Globe, Sunday, May 9, 1999 Sherman, Thomas M., "Another Danger For 21st-Century Children?", Education Week, 06/03/98 Sloan, Douglas, ed., The Computer in Education. New York: Teachers College Press, 1984. |